
Tag florida health insurance exchange

  • May, Fri, 2023

What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

One document that we recommend for almost all of our estate planning clients is a Medical Durable Power of Attorney. This document allows you to select the person who will make medical decisions on your behalf, if you are incapacitated or unable to make them yourself.

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A Medical Durable Power of Attorney is an essential document, as no one can predict their incapacity.

This legal document allows you to list

  • Apr, Sun, 2023

Millions will lose health insurance starting Saturday. But they might not know it.

Millions of people will begin to lose their health insurance on Saturday, as five states began the unwinding of a pandemic-era protection that kept people from being removed from the Medicaid rosters.

During the public health emergency, states were required to keep people on Medicaid without the often yearly reapplication process normally in place. But now that the public health emergency is winding down, so are the Medicaid rolls.

“We’re now in a position within just a couple of days where states can begin to disenroll people — to redo their rosters for Medicaid — and this continuous coverage requirement