
  • Aug, Wed, 2024

What you need to know about the controversial ‘skinny jab’ coming to UK pharmacies

controversial 'skinny jab' to be sold in UK pharmacies

Controversial ‘skinny jab’ to be offered in UKGetty Images

A controversial weight loss injection – known as Wegovy, or in the US, Ozempic – is soon to be offered by UK high street pharmacies, prompting a mixed response from the public.

ICYMI, the prescription drug – used to help those with Type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels – has made headlines recently as a celeb-favored approach to weight loss. As an insulin regulator, the drug is injected weekly and can reduce a patient’s appetite which in turn triggers weight loss.

“Appetite suppression occurs in two ways, semaglutide

  • Aug, Mon, 2024

Childhood television time linked to poor adult health: study

Sorry kids, but your parents are right – watching too much TV can be bad for you.

According to a new a study, children who watch more television are also more likely to develop health issues as adults.

“Those who watched the most had a higher risk of metabolic syndrome in adulthood,” lead researcher and physician Dr. Bob Hancox explained in a news release. “More childhood television viewing time was also associated with a higher risk of overweight and obesity and lower physical fitness.”

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of three or more conditions such as

  • Aug, Mon, 2024

The Blue Monday Myth – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

‘Blue Monday’ may not be supported by hard evidence, but depression and other mental health issues are a real concern in the workplace.

Before 2005 no-one talked about Blue Monday.

The reason for this is because the idea that the third Monday in the month of January, later dubbed ‘Blue Monday’, was invented in a press release 15 years ago. The method used to develop the concept has since come under a lot of scrutiny, but despite this, a lot of people do suffer with their mental health during the winter.

According to research conducted by pollster YouGov, as many

  • Aug, Mon, 2024

Managing the risk of ‘gray fleet’ – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

With the growing trend for online shopping, next-day delivery and the retail/hospitality experience showing no signs of slowing down, businesses frequently need to recruit extra staff to meet increased demand (particularly in the run up to Christmas). A major national newspaper has reported that approximately 250,000 temporary positions will be on offer over the festive period and not just in restaurants, bars and shops, but also in warehouses and delivery.

Yodel, the courier giant recently announced they need an extra 1,500 temporary staff nationwide, including HGV class 1 drivers, warehouse operations, van drivers and couriers to fulfill client demands. With

  • Aug, Mon, 2024

Bad News – That Viral Hangover Prevention Drink Gets You Drunk

When you’re a university student you’ll do anything to avoid having a hangover.

Uni is known for its excessive drinking culture with most parties and events involving alcohol. Sure drinking is fun, but who really wants to be severely hungover the next day?

Well, this generation of students might have found a way to hack the drinking life: BORGs. Yes I know it sounds like an alien species but it actually stands for “blackout rage gallon,” and it’s become the drink of choice for many US students.

The hashtag ‘borg’ currently has 73.3 million views on TikTok, so clearly it’s

  • Jul, Mon, 2023

PAHO seeks adolescent and youth voices to address mental health crises in America – PAHO/WHO

Washington, DC, 17 July 2023 (PAHO)- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) today announced a competition for adolescents and young people aged 10 to 24, which aims to help address the mental health crisis in the Region.

Through artistic mediums such as painting, drawing, illustration, poetry, stories, videos and songs, the 2023 Youth Voices competition seeks to find innovative ways to inspire decision-makers to improve adolescent and youth mental health care.

“The purpose of this contest is to encourage the active participation of young people and adolescents in mental health, providing a space where their voices and perspectives are heard.

  • Jul, Sat, 2023

Menopause hormone pills associated with dementia, cause unclear

June 28 (Reuters) – Use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to ease the effects of menopause, even for short periods, was associated with a higher risk for dementia in a nationwide study from Denmark, but the cognitive declines may not have been due to the treatment, researchers said on Wednesday.

The study, published in The BMJ, contradicts some earlier studies that suggest HRT may protect against cognitive decline if the treatments are started near menopause onset.

The research was complicated by the fact that scientists could not distinguish the reasons HRT was prescribed in the first place – to treat

  • Jul, Tue, 2023

Quinoa Beet Salad – JennifersKitchen

Let me be very clear. I do not like beets. I’ve spent over fifty years disliking beets.

I’ve tried them boiled (gag-inducing), roasted (almost tolerable, but no), raw (the additional chewing required just prolongs the misery), and picked (where’s the bathroom?).

Quinoa Beet Salad Ingredients

To me, beets taste like garden dirt laced with a little bit of sugar. Interestingly, there is validity to that perception. Beets contain a naturally-occurring compound called geosmin, and geosmin gives beets their dirt-like . . . er. . . earthy flavour.

Some people like this earthy flavor.

I’m not one of them.

Just as interesting – at least